
Calender Design

Farmers in ancient China devised the 24 solar terms based on the sun's location in the zodiac to guide agricultural affairs and farming activities. Climate change, natural events, agricultural output, and other areas of human life, such as clothing, food, housing, and transportation, are all reflected in the 24 solar terms. The 24 solar terms have played an important role in influencing people's basic needs of life, and they continue to do so today.

The calender is created in a modular format, with the typography of the solar phrases in Chinese stacked on top of each other to generate bold yet legible negative space. The dates are labelled on the right side of the calendar. The ecliptic longitude of the sun during the two periods inside each month is shown at the bottom right of the calendar.

小寒/Lesser Cold 

5th - 7th of January, tells the start of the coldest season in a year.

大寒/Greater Cold

20th - 21st, means the coldest time of a year.

立春/Spring begins 

“立” means the beginning of all things on earth. "立春," then, suggests the start of the spring season, which usually falls on the 3rd - 5th of February.

雨水/The Rain

on 18th - 30th of February, implies the coming of more raining time.

惊蛰/Insects awaken

“蛰” means  “deeply buried”. Animals, usually insects deep in the earth for winter-sleep, are called “入蛰” (rù zhé). That animals come out from the earth the next spring is believed by the ancients to be woken up by the spring thunder. Thus the time is called “惊蛰,” the start of thunder, which is usually from March 5th to 7th.

春分/Vernal Equinox

Indicates that day and night are of equal length, (日夜平分, rì yè píng fēn). It also implies that the spring season has been divided into two sections. The term normally begins on March 20th and ends on March 22nd.

清明/Pure Brightness

The 4th - 6th of April indicates that the weather is warming up, grass and plants are becoming green, and a picture of fresh life is emerging, rather than the image of dried and yellow grass and plants in the cold winter.

谷雨/Grain Rain

Rainfall is expected to increase between the 19th and 21st of April. Rainwater aids grain growth. Rainwater helps encourage the growth of hundreds of grain, as the ancient Chinese would say “雨生百谷” (yǔ shēng bǎi gǔ, rainwater helps promote the growth of hundreds of grain)

立夏/Summer Begins

The end of Spring and the beginning of Summer are marked by the 5th and 7th of May.

小满/Grain Buds

Implying that plant seeds (fruits) are becoming ripe but not quite ripe. The term normally begins on May 20th and ends on May 22nd.

芒种/Grain in Beard

Plants with beard-like wheat or barley are maturing and ready for harvesting between the 5th and 7th of June.

夏至/Summer Solstice

Summer is on its way, which means it will be scorching. “夏至” is traditionally held on June 21st - 22nd, and that day has the longest day of the year.

小暑/Lesser Heat

The 6th and 8th of July indicate that the days are becoming hotter. "Heat" is what “暑” means.

大暑/Greater Heat

The hottest time of the year is from July 22nd to July 24th.

立秋/Autumn Begins

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn are marked by the 7th and 9th of August.

处暑/Heat Ends

Indicates that the sweltering summer is drawing to a close. “处”  denotes “the end”. The term normally runs from August 22nd to August 24th.

白露/White Dew

The white dew formed during nighttime when the temperature drops begins to show on the 7th and 9th of September.

秋分/Autumn Equinox

Implies that day and night are of equal length. Autumn, which has already been divided into two sections, is located between “立秋” and “立冬”. The term normally begins on September 22nd and ends on September 24th.

寒露/Cold Dew

8th - 10th of October, means that temperature is getting lower and more dew appears。

霜降/Frost Descent

The advent of white frost on the 23rd and 24th of October is a result of the increasing chilly weather.

立冬/Winter Begins

The end of Autumn and the beginning of Winter are marked by the 7th and 8th of November.

小雪/Lesser Snow

Because of the cold temperature, the 22nd and 23rd of November signal the start of snowfall.

大雪/Greater Snow

The 6th and 8th of December bring great snow and more accumulated snow on the ground.

冬至/Winter Solstice

The arrival of the coldest season in winter. The term also indicates that the daytime on that day is the shortest of the year. The term is usually held between the 21st and 23rd of December.

Chun Xiao Li, Toronto, Canada.